The following are some of the ways you can give or make payments to YWAM Cambridge. Please email us specifying the amount you are transfering and whether it is a gift or payment. If it is a payment please let us know what it is for. If it is a gift please let us know who or what it is intended for so we can properly account for and allocate your gift.
Bank Transfer
Please use the following details for a bank transfer to YWAM Cambridge
Account name: Youth With A Mission Cambridge
Account Number: 29650012
Sort Code: 23-05-80
Bank name: Metro Bank
IBAN: GB76MYMB23058029650012
Account Holder Address: 31 Ashvale, Cambridge, CB4 2SZ
Please put your name as reference
Please add 1.4% + 20p to your payment to cover the processing cost. Cross-border fees may also apply for international payments (usually an extra 1% from the USA. More details here).
Please make cheques payable to 'Youth With A Mission Cambridge'
Payments in foreign currency (e.g. US Dollars) will be subject to exchange rate on the day.