YWAM Cambridge is a multigenerational worshipping missionary community called by God to do whatever we can to help bring revival & reformation to the city of Cambridge and to the ends of the earth.

We are part of the international missionary tribe, Youth with a Mission (YWAM) founded by Loren & Darlene Cunningham. Our values are as follows…


Contrary to the impression that the name ‘Youth With A Mission’ might give you, we are not a youth organization — though we are committed ‘to champion and release young people’ (Foundational Value #6). YWAM Cambridge’s full-time workers range in age from eighteen-year-old teenagers to retired grandparents, and we are committed to honouring our elder members – not just as people with much experience and wisdom, but as those who are still able to bear fruit for God! — as well as nurturing and releasing our younger members.
[Joel 2:28; Ephesians 6:2; Psalm 92:14; Jeremiah 1:5-10]


Our initial and enduring priority is and must be to minister to the heart of God in establishing continual worship and prayer. This is the First Commandment. This is the reason YWAM Cambridge was started (cf. Connie, Andy, and Peter’s various stories of why they became involved with prayer in Cambridge).
[Revelation 5:9-12; Deut 6:4; Mark 12:30; 1 Thess. 5:16-18; Isaiah 62:6]


We are biblical, Trinitarian Christians whose full-time occupation is to know God and make Him known. Funding for this is an individual matter, as YWAM Cambridge is a voluntary body which pays no salaries. For the most part, individuals within YWAM Cambridge are supported by the regular donations of those who believe in what God has called them to do.
[Romans 1:1; Acts 6:4; Phil. 3:8-10; Phil. 1:5]


We don’t just work together, we eat and we worship together. A lot! We don’t necessarily live in the same building – in fact we are committed to building community across multiple houses throughout the city, not just in one ‘base’. We believe that the proof of whether we are Jesus’ disciples is in how we love one another. And when we fail to adequately do so we are committed to challenging each other and embracing forgiveness and joyful repentance for the sake of reconciliation. We believe that God blesses this sort of unity.
[Acts 2:46-47; John 13:35; Matt. 18:15-17; 2 Cor. 5:18; Psalm 133]

Called by God

We do not do what we do because we think it is a good idea, but because we believe God has called us to this. And eager as we are for God to send more workers to join us in our task, we will not accept more people to join YWAM Cambridge full-time unless we believe they have been called by God.
[Gal. 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 5:24]

To Do Whatever We Can To Help

We are not under the illusion that we can conjure revival into being – or indeed anything of any spiritual consequence – into being by our own efforts. We are very conscious that we are completely dependent upon the help of God. That said, we believe that our faith-filled obedience might be the tool that God uses – and so we are committed to do whatever God might ask us to do, however foolish or costly it might seem. We are also aware that we are not the only ones that God is using and will use – we are committed to humbly partner with all those called by God to the expansion of His Kingdom.
[Matthew 19:26; Romans 9:21; 1 Cor.1:25; Mark 8:34 ;1 Cor. 1:12]

Bring Revival

Without Christ, people are dead in their sins – without hope and without God. We long to see multitudes these people be born again to new life by trusting in Jesus. Even with Christ, many Christians live joyless and powerless lives. We long to see every Christian walking in happy holy intimacy with God. We believe that the city of Cambridge is called to be a blessing to the nations, and we long to see the revival of Cambridge’s world-impacting Christian heritage. For these things to happen, we need the supernatural power of God.
[Ezekiel 37:1-10; Isaiah 64]

& Reformation

The plan of God is not to save souls simply to whisk them away to an ethereal nether-world, but rather to reform and renew and recreate the whole of creation – this is the coming kingdom of God for which we pray, and of which we are already a part. While we are not so naïve as to think that we can establish some utopia on earth before the return of Christ, we do believe that all work (in whatever sphere) built on the firm foundation of faith in Jesus will endure the fire of His coming.
[Romans 8:19-24 ; Matthew 6:10 ; 2 Corinthians 5:17 ;1 Corinthians 3:14]

To the City of Cambridge

We want to partner with the whole Body of Christ (individuals and institutions, Anglican and non-Conformist, Charismatic and conservative, Protestant and Catholic, local churches and ‘parachurch’ organizations) to see the whole gospel (not just the love of God, but the call to repentance; not just the words, but the power) reach the whole of Cambridge (town and gown, rich and poor, influential and otherwise; both genders, all ethnic groups, every age bracket) and transform the whole of society (families, churches, educational institutions, businesses, legal structures, media corporations, entertainment industries).
[Matthew 7:3; Luke 12:49-50; 1 Thessalonians 1:5; Galatians 3:28; Romans 12:1]

& to the Ends of the Earth:

We are also called to focus on completing the Great Commission by going in person to the people and parts of the world that are as yet unreached, sharing the gospel and planting new worshipping communities. And we want to challenge especially the students of Cambridge to follow in the footsteps of the Cambridge Seven and commit their lives to doing the same. We also want to use online technology to make available to the whole world the resources and tell the stories that come out of whatever God might do here in Cambridge.
[Matthew 28:19-20; Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:8]